A Pain in the Neck!
One of the occupational hazards I ended up with when I was in the training profession was ‘Cervical Spondylosis’. Well what with being 8 hours on your feet and constant movement of the neck to ensure your gaze encompasses the entire room, and with stretching your neck to write on the white board, I ended up with a nagging pain in the neck. When the pain got severe, I visited the doctor, who post X-rays and tests diagnosed a mild case of ‘Cervical Spondylosis’. Physiotherapy was prescribed and that brought me much relief.
2 years went by without incidence when last week a mild pain hit my neck again. I resumed my physiotherapy exercises. I was scheduled to visit Pune with colleagues for a launch on Thursday – 27th October, when I woke up in the middle of the night with one of the worst pains in my neck that I could ever have imagined. I couldn’t sit nor sleep and spent the night slowly pacing up and down as the pain radiated down from my neck to my shoulders and back. I had so much looked forward to this Pune trip but to my disappointment had to skip it. When I could manage to move about a little I headed for the doc, who said that the aggravation was on account of ‘stress’and that I should ‘Relax’. Great! It was only post the painkillers that I could get some relief.
‘Cervical Spondylosis’ when it hits one, can be a real pain in the neck! I am still on pain killers though the stiffness has reduced to an extent. I had an important meeting on Friday so thanks to the painkillers I was able to make it to office, though the trip up and down was torture and the medication made me a lil ‘woozy’! I have been advised to go for physiotherapy treatment as it’s too painful yet to do the neck exercises. The neck pain usually lasts for a week or more depending on the treatment one undergoes.
I am looking forward to my December vacation, so that I can do what the doc advised –De-Stress and RELAX!
Occupational hazards, yeah. One of the side effects of the technology we work with. I have one of those too, the common thing that happens to software people, the wrist pain. I dont remember the name. To avoid it, I have to use my laptop with my arms bent at right angles at the elbow. Thats not possible always, hence I got to live with it. The worst thing, Iam just a beginer.
You take good care of that neck of yours. Hope, you will be fine soon
Hey Anoop, thanks a lot! Me feeling much better now. The agonising pain has subsided and I am able to move freely now. However there is still a lil pain though manageable. It takes sometime to ease off.
Like you said, many of us suffer from such occupational hazards. In fact, I know quite a few who have a similar condition to mine and we actually give each other advice on what one should do, share tips, what neck brace one has and what works and what doesnt. It's hilarious at times, like you have got a club of your own :)
Take care of that wrist pain of yours. Dont neglect it as that would result in it getting worse and getting chronic.
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