Hark the Herald angels sing, Glory to the new born King!
It's my favorite time of the year, Christmas! This is one season that never fails to buoy up my drooping spirit. The season of festive cheer, love, joy and peace. The time for giving, the time to share with the less fortunate, the time to forget our little grudges, pettiness, all those things that bring negativity into our lives.
This is that time when I go crazy choosing gifts for those whom I love. My lil nephew with no gender bias fondly calls me Santa Claus. The wintry winds, midnight mass, carol singers, the Christmas tree, stars glittering in the night….
This is that time, when I see a beggar on the road, old, ailing, a child or a leper, I don’t judge, don’t think whether I should give or not. This is that one time I give freely, be it money, clothes or some food that I may have on me.
This is that one time, when I keep my temper under check, make it a point to bring a smile on a weary face, to give a helping hand where it may be needed, to make a difference wherever possible, to be as selfless as I can possibly be…
Christmas, the one season that rings out the old and rings in the new…
The one time of the year that never fails to captivate me in its charm….
Awesome! In our school, we have a food drive going on, where we bring in cans, juice, clothes, soap, toothbrushes, anything at all to make Christmas a time to remember for an unfortunate family. The collection isn't too big yet, but it's gathering momentum steadily. As an incentive, the class that brings in the most items gets a pizza party thrown by the principal. When you think about it, it's kinda sick; the lure of a pizza is going to make you open your heart. Isn't this time supposed to be one of selfless giving? Sigh.
Your nephews/neices might want to check out www.chatwithsanta.com :)
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