Afreen again!
Ah! I had a lovely evening to an otherwise boring day. Nas (my friend) called up to tell me that the moment they reached home-London, her lil one and my sweetheart Afreen, asked her “Isn’t Suzie maasi coming home with us?” And since then the apple of my eye has been inquiring about me everyday.
Afreen kept asking her mom for the phone to talk to her “Suzie maasi” (Uncannily she always knows when it’s me on the line.) She started chattering away nineteen to a dozen in her baby language which I was valiantly trying to keep up with. She kept giggling when I enquired about her and I promised her that I’d visit her soon and I’d take her to the park-which happens to be her favorite place.
She refused to let go of the phone, and I had not the heart to end the conversation. I hated it when I had to bid her goodbye. And when I finally said I had to go, she gave me a dismal lil bye, but refused to get off the phone. Nas had to take the phone from her to get her to get of the line.
I never cease to wonder how relationships develop - Afreen was here only for a few days, and in those few days we developed a bond. I have met a lot of children but share such a bond only with my niece and nephew. And Afreen made a place in my heart.
Well hopefully, if all goes well, I’ll be meeting up with my 3 lil imps this December. That is, if all goes well.