The end of a Glorious Vacation!
In the past 12 years of my work life I made it a point to vacation at least once a year. However due to work considerations the maximum days I could take leave was 15 days. And while on vacation I would invariably still be in touch with work.
I got engaged in Jan 06 and knowing that I’d have to join my husband who was settled in Sydney, I quit work at the end of Mar. Apr being my wedding month went in a flurry of activity due to the marriage preparations. By the first week of May I was in Sydney and it was then that it hit me that for the first time in years I didn’t have to rush to work in the morning and then rush back home in the evening. I had the whole day to myself, to do as I pleased, watch movies, read and simply relax. As I had still not got my residency visa I was not entitled to work so I had an imposed vacation not that I was complaining. May turned to June and I explored my new life and new country.
Being in a new country I had a lot of settling in to do. Adapting to my new environment - people, learning to get around and managing my home kept me occupied and relaxed at the same time. I kind of began to get used to this lethargic life when my residency visa came in and now I was a half baked Aussie. I was now allowed to work so I started applying for jobs knowing that the process could take time. What I didn’t expect was that I’d get a quick call and sail through my first interview. I was back to being a part of the working class. I started work on 17th July and it’s unbelievable that 4 weeks have already gone past.
Life’s back to normal - the early morning rush, the constant looking at the clock trying to figure out why it didn’t speed up and the mad rush to get home. The joy on a Friday as the weekend looms round the corner(today is a Friday as I write this Yipee!) and the lamenting when the weekend comes to an end and I face Monday morning blues.
I so miss my nice loooong vacation. However there’s one advantage to working - you end up getting a paycheck at the end of the month!
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